Catriona Gray Catriona Gray

Access to Alternative Photography

Alternative Photography for all.

In 2024 I was awarded a grant by The Coward Foundation for analogue photography.

I have taught analogue/alternative photography for a long time, starting off teaching in a healthcare capacity for NHS trusts - my workshops being available to patients for mental and physical wellbeing. I also taught people enrolled in addiction recovery programs.

As funding dwindled for this kind of activity (hopefully it’s coming back in the form of social prescribing) this work seemed to vanish. I now teach at a couple of different places but I’m awkwardly aware that I’m only making this kind of learning available to those with quite a bit of disposable income.

So I approached The Coward Foundation and they agreed to fund me being able to make my workshops available for free for those on low or no income.

The next step was to let the right people know this was available to them. Cue Old Diorama Arts Centre - an amazing arts enterprise in Euston, London, that heavily leans on supporting small arts organisations and connecting them with the local community.

I ran the following workshops with great success and attracted people from all background, offering paid slots and slots totally free for those on low or no income.

Lumen and Phyotogram Printing


Polaroid Emulsion Lift

The atmosphere was relaxed and slow but with a buzz of excitement watching images unfold in front of us - exactly the vibe I love.

Thanks Coward Foundation and Old Diorama!!!

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